Improving, transforming, and duplicating animals.

This third discussion dedicated to human-animal relations considers the question of our ethical right to modify animals. Four speakers debate the question: Jocelyne Porcher, sociologist and director of research at INRA, Thomas Heams, lecturer in genomics at AgroParisTech, Léo Coutellec, philosopher at Paris-Sud and Olivier Sandra, researcher into animal reproduction at INRA.

To view, click here

Direction artistique, webdesign
et illustration

Aurélie Verdon

Direction technique et Intégration
Mehdi Mahjoub

Conception et rédaction
Jocelyne Porcher

Philippe Deschamps

Jocelyne Porcher - INRA
INRA UMR Innovation
2 Place Viala 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1
04 99 61 21 62
