Animal death

The slaughter of farm animals, and more generally the death of domestic animals, is not straightforward, either for the farmers, or for many members of the general public. Why do we kill farm animals? Can we avoid the industrial slaughter of animals and come up with more respectful alternatives? Further, why must we frequently put down cats and dogs in animal rescues or at vets? What place does death have in work with animals?

Further reading:

> Toréer sans la mort, Editions Quae, 2010

> Manifeste pour une mort digne des animaux. Editions du Palais, 2014

cf. scientific and other publications on this theme

Direction artistique, webdesign
et illustration

Aurélie Verdon

Direction technique et Intégration
Mehdi Mahjoub

Conception et rédaction
Jocelyne Porcher

Philippe Deschamps

Jocelyne Porcher - INRA
INRA UMR Innovation
2 Place Viala 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1
04 99 61 21 62
