The work of animals: a challenge for the social sciences

Porcher J., 2014 Humanimalia. Vol. 6, n°1 (précédé de « Jocelyne Porcher, an introduction » by Boria Sax) In the intellectual landscape concerned with domestic animals, social scientists are rarely to be seen. Yet work, one of the historical objects of social sciences, is at the heart of relations between humans and animals. This article will put forward approaches to studying animal work through the psychology of work and through critical social sciences.

Direction artistique, webdesign
et illustration

Aurélie Verdon

Direction technique et Intégration
Mehdi Mahjoub

Conception et rédaction
Jocelyne Porcher

Philippe Deschamps

Jocelyne Porcher - INRA
INRA UMR Innovation
2 Place Viala 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1
04 99 61 21 62
